The Guard

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 7562

All three adventurers jumped at the sudden sound of the door being unlocked. The handle turned and the large door slowly began to open. Astra raised the sword to be ready to meet a potential foe while Fred and Velus, being weaponless, hid behind her.
A large figure filled the door opening. Since it had the light in it's back they couldn't see if it was human or something else. It was clad in a black uniform and in one hand it held a javelin.
"WHO GOES THERE?" it boomed, voice like thunder.
Astra straightened up and puffed out her chest, "I am Princess Astra of Aquilaria!" she said proudly, "And this is Lord Fred and Sir Velus of Allaria!"
"WHAT BE YOUR BUSINESS HERE?" the large figure thundered.

What should they answer?

  1. We are on a mission to slay the hated dragon!
  2. Oh we were just passing by...

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mr Qrygg

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