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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 69554

A few minutes after Scott hung up after Josh, there is a great commotion near the entrance. Several people scatter, hiding behind bookshelves. Parents pick up their children and carry them to what they hope is a safe place.

Josh Burbank has just burst into the library looking like death warmed over. He staggers towards Scott, who is still holding a copy of Josh, His Glory, and collapses near him face down.

"T-tell mother...that...I love her!" Josh groans before he perishs heroically again.

  1. Like an idiot, Scott answers "I will!"
  2. Scott runs outside to see what Josh tangled with. He finds it.
  3. Scott runs outside to see what Josh tangled with. He sees nothing.
  4. Scott swallows the book he's holding.

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Ben McClellan

8/8/2007 7:14:04 AM

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