Lobby of the Library

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 69587

It was clear that Josh had perished due to a grand battle with a grey-haired, scarred Wookie.
The six foot tall beast had made a shambles of the oval lobby to the Staircase Room library. The highly polished tile floor was smoking in most places and actively burning in others. The huge desk had been reduced to kindling. Mitchell's right foot and left hand could be seen; it was unclear if the man was even alive or if said body parts were even still attached.
The portraits of strangers that once hung on the wall were just gone. So were several sections of the wall itself.
The Wookie...

  1. ran for it.
  2. ate a small man in four bites.
  3. sang a horrible song. But since Scott didn't understand the Wookie language, all he heard was ''AAARGGU ARRROOOW' etc.
  4. logged onto Farmville.

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