Fred's got the Blues

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 9391

Siezed by a sudden feeling of distrust, Fred swung his sword at the blue sapphire. "No, don't!" cried out Adele, but it was too late. The blue sapphire turned into a dragon, even more fearsome than the last one, and it attacked Fred. Fred fought onward, but every blow he hit at the Dragon was deflected by its skin. Fred started to get tired, and the Dragon lunged at him...

And was frozen in place. Fred looked around and saw Adele, standing in the posture of spell casting. The Dragon then turned into the sapphire again.

"Thanks," said Fred. "You saved my life. I shouldn't have been so distrustful."

"That's okay," said Adele. Then, the maiden stepped forth from the sapphire and said...

  1. "Thanks for saving my life."
  2. She saw Adele, and was quite startled. "Don't trust her!" she said.
  3. "Hi Sis!"

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