Uh, Didn’t the Daleks use that trick *later* in the series?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 93756

Even HE has standards of a sort, it seems. Don't trust him as far as I could throw him, but still he seems to imply he has higher standards. Point for him!


”But all that said I suppose the last really pertinent question lay within in just how you would have me accomplish the task you hired me to accomplish,” the Master continues, making now a very obvious effort to look at me and my sisters and not towards the angelic women in his midst. “I take it you’ll be putting limits on the methods I am to use in your commission for me to save the Earth from ‘my’ home dimension?”

From the furtive glances (and winces) he sometimes gives at them, one could almost think that the evil Timelord is afraid of them but is trying to put up a nonchalant veneer to hide his fears.

”Oh, and I do thank you for . . .allowing me and the young women here to complete our business transaction without any more needless interruptions,” the Master pauses, remembering himself and what protocol demands, waving in the general direction of Buffy’s friends, who are still frozen . . .and had made this business last longer at times by interrupting with their questions. Oh, good manners had demanded them to be answered but still! . . .

Anyway, nice to see fear or not the man’s a polite villain (albeit one that can be cowardly and bit mad to boot)…

Frankly I and the others here do not feel a need to broach the subject with him. That just does not seem . . .wise right now. The man has a prickly disposition on certain things and so would probably not react well to having such fears brought to the front to embarrass him; and frankly he really SHOULD be fearful.

He has a lot to answer for, I am certain. A lot of blood on his hands and I should add I can feel the hostility Buffy and Astra are radiating towards the Master –an ability that celestrial entities seem to actually share with more mortal species like dragons and certain other fantastic creatures of Terra Prime--despite having only neutral expression on at the moment.

I would have to be totally blind, psionically (something I and my sister are NOT in the least), to miss it. I can practically feel it even with my back turned, really. Yukiko’s showing a case of nerves herself, though she is hiding it much better than the Master. Helps when siblings can lend an emotional hug or three, psionically, you know. Useful and much more agreeable than this . . .this show we are putting on in order to “get along” with the Master of all thing!

I really wish we did not have to use him at all, really. Except maybe as target practice…

. . .

Sigh. Well, we use what we must when we must. Bottom line is he needs us just as much as we need him, else there is at least ONE world who’ll pay .

Yes, I’m not a fan of the Master in the Doctor Who franchise; much less the real deal. Not saying sisters are fans of the real Master. I am just saying that I am much less than enchanted with the man’s presence.

And while that may show to those who have been spying on us (I would just LOVe to get my hands on that mysterious entity that keeps posting segments of our lives on various websites that pop up mysteriously on the Net from time to time) that the First Children are not total Xerox copies of each other… Oh well, it could be worse!

It could have been Darvos or some Dalek drone; THAT would have been just perfect ly ruined a pretty much perfectly screwed up day! I could just imagine how things would have to go with an omnicidal trashcan with a plunger for arms AND a desperate need to SHOUT it’s dialog to the heavens; like It’s creator had overlooked it’s need for hearing aids whilst mechanizing everything ELSE on it’s being!

Ah, the Master! At least he’s good for intelligent banter (like what Rei has been enjoying so far with the man). MUCH better than the monster growl speak we EVA pilots dealt with for all but one time while fighting for humanity’s continued existence during the Angel War.

But best not keep the man waiting any longer eh?

”You would be correct,” I say, taking up the conversation thread. “Saving one world at the expense of another. Blame it on us having grown up with the Doctor as family and all that if you must but we just happen to be a bit ‘anti’ on going that route.”

. . .

Rather more true than not, that last statement made in jest; being that I and my sister had only learned the very beginning “basics” of the religious beliefs we now chose to follow. The “basics” had not been really enough to prepare us for some of life’s more challenging issues…

”Quiet,” the Master sighs, shaking his head slightly as if to say ‘it figures’. “That could have made completing both of course make my tasks for both you and the Zethian Concortium easier by using killing two birds with one stone all the easier. But I still have one or two tricks up my sleeve that could do the job while still denying the Daleks their prize!”

Eh . . .excuse me?

Queries on our part in just where the blazes the Daleks came into this mess generates an odd look from the Master (who had been under the mistaken impression we had known about that little factiod).

Actually, in all prior schemes the Master had concocted with the VLA never had involved those “chaps”; never had been mentioned even in PASSING in recovered (and decoded) notes from other, earlier schemes.

It involved an earlier, test run experiment for . . .

AH! Lets talk about this later? Like when we actually GET to the VLA and are about to send the Master home and free the Doctor’s TARDIS (who’ll be stuck in limbo until the VLA is defused) and what had been interfering with it’s proper functioning is annulled). THEN we’ll talk about it. It’s . . .rather involved.


”So . . .no other questions for us?” Rei finishes, looking questioningly at the evil Timelord. “No curiosity about this Champion business that came out of the blue and such?”

“I . . .find that sometimes discretion is called for in situations like this,” the Master hedges, not really answering straight away as he gives the glowering angels a nervous glance.

  1. “One must respect some matters of privacy of their employers, I should say.”

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