Searching the Caves

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 9337

"No," said Adele, "we shall have to see what transpires. So where do we go now?"

"Well," said Fred, "we should take a look around this area of the caves first. Belboz said that I would find companions, plural, here, so there must be others imprisoned here as well. Our first responsibility is to free them."

"I agree," said Adele.

In case your memory needs refreshing, two passageways branched off the red room, one to the left leading to a blue light, and one to the right leading to a green light. [1619] After a brief discussion, Fred and Adele decided to

  1. Head towards the blue light.
  2. Head towards the green light.
  3. Take a closer look around first.
  4. Suddenly...

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