Astra! Duck!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 87485

Fred turns around to look at Astra with some surprise.

"Astra, you have a beak!"

"Yes? What about it?" asks Astra, with a tone that seems to indicate that she's always had a beak.

"But you... hey, now you have feathers!"

"Of course I have feathers. What's the problem, Fred?"

"It's... Astra, now you're a duck."

"Quack quack quack?" replies the duck who used to be Astra.

  1. Fred tries to find a way to reverse the change.
  2. Fred carries the duck under his arm, looking for the Shoggoth.
  3. The duck changes into something else.
  4. Fred leaves the duck behind.
  5. Fred remembers how delicious roast duck can be...

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