Door Two

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 87076

You are confused as you examine the three doors. Your hand is on the knob of Door Two and you wonder whether you dare open it. You figure that Astra and Tarin, if it were even possible to get back to them, would be able to get along without you. YOu feel a little regret for leaving behind the nubile redhead, but it's not like you ever had a chance with her anyway, and she made that very clear. Better to look for other nubile redheads in other planes of existence. Yet even though Door Two seemed very attractive to you a moment ago, you find yourself seized by an insistent curiosity about your surroundings. You turn back to see where you came from but realize to your horror that this is no room but a vast white emptiness with no beginning and no end. There is nothing else to measure that emptiness by. Looking at it makes you feel strangely dizzy, as if you were about to fall into it.

"You should probably turn around," says the voice. It is high-pitched and creaky and sounds like an old man badly trying to imitate a child. You don't like it. You would very much like to punch the disembodied voice in its disembodied face, but you don't see any.

"Look," said the voice. "There's no going back. Besides, pointlessly abrupt transitions are what this thread is all about."

"What thread! I don't see any thread here. If there were any thread I'd need it to sew up my clothes. It's kind of cold in here. Or maybe I'd just strangle you."

"I don't have a neck. I'm a concept that can't be described in human terms. Now will you go through Door Two or not?"

"I'd like to," you tell it, "but what about the whole saving the universe thing? What happened to that? And what about Astra? I'd kind of like her to not die."

"Astra can take care of herself, believe me. You've done your part. You'd probably be more of a hinderance than a help to her at this point. And she and Tarin will defeat the Shoggoth. We're outside of time, from our point of view they already have. There's always something out there trying to destroy the universe, and we always manage to beat it somehow. The Shoggoths are nothing compared to the next thing. They were only its heralds."

"What next thing?"

"The thing you're supposed to stop. I know I told you you can choose your destiny, but well, there's fate and then there's fate. Oh, wait, you're not supposed to know about that yet. It'll make sense later."

You don't much like the sound of that, but it's all out of your hands now. You examine Door Two. Door Two is a metal exit door that's covered with graffiti. You know that when you pass through each of these doors you will be a different person, even more than you already are. Door Two is pretty far from who you previously were, and you like that. Yet you feel as if somehow your perception of the world around me and of your thoughts has already changed. You can already feel yourself starting to think a little more clearly even though you don't quite feel as definite. There's something more fundamental, too, but you can't quite say what it is. But you're still afraid of really going through with it.

"Stop hesitating, you stupid three-dimensional baboon. It's simple. Door. Enter or not?"

  1. Enter
  2. Not

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