Vantage point

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 84299

Lord Fred decides to continue up the path to the peak of the mountain range in order to get a wide view on the whole area deciding that this would be the best way to locate the entrance to the dragon's cave and figure out which way would take him there. After a short couple of hours walking, he reaches the highest point of the mountain. He situates himself upon a craggy cliff, looking down at the lake. From this vantage point, he can clearly see that he is in fact not exactly at the top of a mountain, so much as at the apex of the edge of a gigantic, ancient crater, the lake being at the bottom-centre. He guesses, due to the amount of vegetation and forest, that the crater must be many, many thousands of years old, and musingly wonders if perhaps the dragon was the cause of the crater, perhaps by being forcibly thrown out of Heaven by one of the gods. He daydreams for a while about such possibilities, and a few hours later, finds he's woken up from a light sleep he must have drifted into during his musings. The moon is nearly full and illuminates the area quite well, but not quite well enough to make out the specifics of the crater's geography. Still, this does not stop him from looking around, and in doing so, he happens to notice an orange glow underneath a thick plume of smoke in the distance. Sensing danger, he immediately raises to his feet, clutching his sword in its scabbard. He reaches into one of the pouches attached to his armour and begins groping about for his spyglass. Finding it, he raises it to his eye in order to gain a closer look at what could be going on. Unfortunately, whatever's burning in the distance is just too far to see. Fred's mind begins racing with thoughts. There's definitely a fire in the distance, and then a thought jumps to his head...

  1. "That could be the dragon burning down a village of innocents! I must go save them and slay the dragon!"
  2. "That could be the dragon burning down a village of innocents! I must keep away from that and not be killed!"

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