
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 70269

Astra felt the discomfort of the Voices, felt them shy away from the fire of her internal scream, and let fly an even stronger one, a single purple vein rising from her forehead from the exertion. It was cut short, however, as Astra felt something wrap around her neck and squeeze. She let out a strangled choke as her lungs heaved for air that could no longer reach them. Adrenaline pierced through her being like an acidic bolt as survival instinct took over, her body bucking and straining against the bonds as the noose the Voices had formed tightened even further, closing her throat completely. Soon her face was as purple as the vein on her forehead.

~That was a bad move, child. You overestimated your position....~


:say: sorry:

Insubordination/Noncompliance And Rudeness/Discourtesy. I Can Feel/Experience Some Residual Anger/Fury/Darkness Within Me/You. I Recall/(i REMEMBER)

She was going to die, just as Fred must surely have died by now. Her chest was aflame, her wrists and ankles torn and bleeding, her eyes bloodshot and weeping. Her vision swirled and dimmed like some speeded up desert twilight.....

(I REMEMBER aLl, StRAToR! so CLeAR! tHE hATE, ThE sTEeL, SkieS DaRk wiTh aRrOWs iN FLIGht OH THE SMELL!!! sssSSsSsSSSssSSsS)

:say: sorry:

Please......someone help......

No Help/Assistance Will Come/Arrive. You Are Ours/Mistress's Now/ForAllTime.

~Obedience is the First Rule! The First, you stupid B IT CH! Always they think themselves better, stronger, quicker, smarter....~

(AlwAYS WrooOOooNNNG!! NyAh HaaAA HaA!)

:say: sorry: girl: quick:

The frenetic yammering of the Voices turned her thoughts to mud. Astra felt herself sliding into the deepest sleep, sliding beneath the darkest quilt. She saw a pair of legs walking towards her, and then saw nothing.....

:girl!:: : : :As: :::ASSS: ASTRA: ASTRA: say :SORRY!!!:

.......sorry....... Fred......

  1. "Astra!" screamed Fred, trapped within the red talisman, the heart of the beast. Surely she could not be dead?
  2. The sorceress towered over Astra's limp form. Slowly she reached down.....

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