Helpless to Help

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 70257

Astra had no way of coming to Fred's aid, of course. She could not even put her hands over her ears to shut out his terrible screaming. What could be happening to him, to cause a brave knight to lose control of himself so?

:something: horrid: no: doubt:

But Though The Mistress Is Hard/Severe, She Is Also Fair/Just. If Something Nasty/Unpleasant Is Happening To Your Friend/Companion/Ally Then You Can Reassure Yourself That It Is Justified/Deserved.

Thankfully Fred's screams now stopped. Astra thought: I don't think that what has happened to me was justified/deserved. Dammit, you've got me doing it now.

dOinG WHaT? YOu can'T dO MUCh Of aNyTHIng RiGHT nOW. HeH, hEH.

Astra let out a silent scream of sheer frustration.

Ouch! That hurt! Please don't do that.

  1. Just then a face came into Astra's field of view. Though she had not heard her approach, the sorceress was looking down at her. "I've dealt with your friend," she said. "Now it's your turn."
  2. Meanwhile, what has happened to Fred?
  3. Pleased that she has stumbled on a weapon against her tormentors, Astra lets out another mental scream.

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