Pronklezilch the Braggart

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 68109

"That ought to keep the old boy busy for a while," Pronklezilch guffawed. "Well, girls, what did you think of that?" he asked.

"Oh Pronky," Astra giggled, "You're so funny! Isn't he just so funny, Freda?"

"He sure is, Astra," Freda replied.

"I am, aren't I?" Pronklezilch preened. "And I daresay I'm rather smart, too. Certainly moreso than that wet blanket Vincent. I think he'll find recovering them to be a bit trickier than when he did so with you - I've added a few surprises to the spells."

Pronklezilch couldn't see the look of alarm that passed between Freda and Astra. The fact that he'd kidnapped the others from out of Vincent's stronghold was bad enough, but that he'd been able to overpower a pair of skilled magic users like Xyllis and Norla and transform them as had the two of them - it didn't bode well. At all.

"Well, enough of this," he said,, sliding Astra off his lap, "We have business to attend to." He slid an arm around each of their waists and walking them out of his study. "Come along, my dears. Come with me."

Pronklezilch led them down a series of halls to another room, this one bigger and more open than his study. The walls were bare, save for a few shelves containing unknown substances. The floor was inlaid tile, all white except for two large square red tiles in the center of the room. "Now then, if you two wenches would be so kind, I need for each of you to stand in the center of one of the tiles."

The two of them almost hesitated, not knowing what was about to happen. But them they realized that they needed to maintain the illusion that they were harmless, fawning Bawdy Girls. And for the moment, truth to be told (except for the fawning part), that wasn't too far from the truth.

"Whatever you want, Pronky," Freda said with a grin as she and Astra stepped gingerly into the tile squares. Once they were in, Pronklezilch made a short gesture and suddenly, a shimmering field of magic power sprang up about each square.

"Wh-what's going on, Pronkykins?" Astra asked, not having to try very hard at all to project an air of nervousness in her voice.

Pronklezilch smiled again. "It's quite simple, really:"

  1. "I've known since before you arrived here that that meddling crone had restored your old identities. But I plan to correct that."
  2. "Assuming Vincent is able to break the others' transformations, he'll or the others will probably come looking for you. I'm about to alter your appearance to make you harder to find."
  3. "I don't really have any use for you - I just like pestering Vincent. So you're going back to Madame Candida's Bawdy House as her newest girls."
  4. "I don't really have any use for you - I just like pestering Vincent. So you're going back to Madame Candida's Bawdy House as her newest statuary."
  5. "I don't really have any use for you - I just like pestering Vincent. But I may need you later, so I'm altering your forms to make you slightly more - convenient."

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