First things first!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 59963

Now, it is a matter of whether or not the demifoxes and/or the kitsune female allow the matters of the head or heart rule their next actions . . .

"Woa, WAIT!" Rei shouts, raising her arms a bit in warding, sounding both surprised (and a bit hurt) that Synizn is preparing an obviously lethal magical attack against her.

"Stop," Astra orders, placing a placating hand on Synizn's shoulder, staying her hand.

Turning back towards the silently standing kitsune female, Synizn feels like he . . . knows this . . . creature? . . . from somewhere. The feeling had been MOST strong when he had laid eyes upon her (along with some kind feeling of . . . .love?).

It had been more than enough to halt the frenzied Synizn from doing something that both would regret later.

"Fred?" Astra blinks.

For an insane moment, she somehow senses that this . . . female kitsune is his companion in this . . . misadventure, but then . . .

"No, it can't be . . . that's insane," Astra shakes his head in negation at the foolishness of it all. Until . . .

"Yes . . . .who are . . . .Astra?!" the kitsune female blinks, not believing her eyes (or whatever mystical senses she's using right now).

"Before we go any further," Synizn growls slightly. "May I suggest we continue this . . . discussion elsewhere away from your allies, kitsune? Hands on head in front of us, fingers interlaces and palms up. We'll sort this . . . . all out somewhat away from this . . . mess."

She goes onto say that if by her goddess that Rei so much as twitches wrong she'll put her in the deadbooks!

. . .

Translation: Synizn shall put a bunch of lethal spell bolts into the kitsune's back if she acts contrary.

Shall not at all try to explain just how this group, with Rei in the lead with her hands up (as it were) are able to avoid any other roving patrols of human soldiers of the JDF, but being a bit stealthy comes to both races (kitsune and demifox).

Finally though they have to stop. One is that they are now (hopefully) far enough from the crashsite of what WE know as a giant meche to avoid further incidents of roving patrols. Two is that even spell silence the cubs are getting a bit fussy (they want to be fed . . . again). That would have been taken care of earlier but . . . .well, look at where they'd been stuck! Third and last this next part (a spell interrogation) needs to be done while at rest . . .

And not on the move!!

"I can explain what is . . .," Rei begins, only to be waved to silence by an impatient Synizn.

For whatever reason she is feeling . . . attracted to this female kitsune--she just WANTS to not only trust her but . . . well, it is the same feelings she has for Astra--and THAT was not something she should be doimg.

One for one is how it works for a dragon (former or otherwise in Synizn's book). Only one love of one's life. One's souldmate for life!

The idea that there should be a SECOND (and a female at that) says that something is rotten here. Magic probably and she wants to make sure that it will not be used to pry into her and her new family's future of happiness and all that. She will not risk it being used against her and her family so will get to the bottom of this . . .

And . . . maybe perhaps this female kitsune can actually tell him if SHE is . . . what remains of Fred.

She knows of certain magicks out there that can . . . desoul a person and allow a spirit to take over and walk about and . . . fears that is what happened to Fred. These "kitsunes" are a new factor and unknown so no taking chances.

She'd feel better with the Crystallic as a backup of sorts (powerful item, that) but it . . . has gone missing so she'll rely on old skills and powers. Something that she had no real doubts about (learned from a long time as a dragon mage), but still.

Ah stop dithering and get down to it, Synizn chides herself.

  1. Hopefully, while under heavy spell interrogation some light can be shed here . . .

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