To every season there is a reason (and all that jazz)…

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 59462

A bit of Hell breaks looks might be in the making....

Truer words have rarely been spoken. Frankly, both sides do not know what they are getting themselves into here and . . .maybe if the fates had been kinder the outcome could have been . . . . better.

But it was not so the results are . . . somewhat messy for some.

. . .

Okay, on one side we have a bunch of soldier types (JDF) who are jumpy because of a recent close call with yet another invader from goodness knows where (the "Angels" show up it seems out of thin and try to smash poor ol' Tokyo 3) . . . and then they stumble across these strange . . . beings, and get nervous and twitchy. Start pointing what appears (and are) weapons towards little ones that they . . . .really should not have. The disoriented Synizn and Astra, seeing that weaponry of some type pointed their way (including towards the NEWBORNS) . . . . Astra and Synizn growls. . . and Synizn more than growls. She throws some rather injurous spells that leave the squad (who'd been gotten the drop on . . . magic bolts being something . . .. unexpected) in bad way! Some might not . . . live.

The screams of the soldiers distract the other squad that had found Rei, who'd had her hands up in surrender when it became clear that they had a bead on her (a deadly one). With the glance away, a quick series of hand jestures (and unexpected luck) . . . and the squad's asleep on their feet.

In the shuffle to get AWAY from the soldiers (injured or sleeping), the vulpines run into each other by mistake.

Rei, recognizing the two demifoxes (and the floating children that Synizn is magically levitating for quick escape) draws up short . . .and . . .

Both groups (even infants) know that something is up when they feel some warm feelings sweep through all of them (by means of kitsune instinct...budding or otherwise).

  1. Now, it is a matter of whether or not the demifoxes and/or the kitsune female allow the matters of the head or heart rule their next actions . . .

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