Truth or Consequences?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 56856


I don't think that Pronklezilch understands the byplay between Inquirer and Elrondir. But being surrounded by a dragon's paw evidently acts as a powerful argument in favour of being co-operative. "All right," Pronklezilch says. "I did respond to a summoning signal from a knight and a rather striking young woman. They were entangled in a giant spider's web, and I freed them."

"Thank you," Inquirer says. "That wasn't so difficult now, was it? And what happened after that?"

  1. "Um, I'm afraid that I rather lost my temper with them. You see, the young woman reneged on a promise that she'd made in return for my aid."
  2. "What do you mean? Naturally I returned home immediately afterwards, leaving them to go on their way."

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