Truth and perhaps some consequences after all?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 57251

The Doctor

"Um, I'm afraid that I rather lost my temper with them," Proklezilch says slowly, most unwillingly. "You see, the young woman reneged on a promise that she'd made in return for my aid."

The slightly friendly smile that Inquirer has on her face, as manufactured and mocking though it obviously is, is now fading to something less than friendly now.

. . .

The daggers that the Artizzas glare towards the man would be downright lethal, if looks could actually kill! Fortunately for this wretch my new Dark Elfin Companions are not of a species who can kill with a mere glance, however. He still draws back a little at the hostility directed at him, though.

"You mean that sex act she'd have to do for you in return saving them?" Chiana purrs into a now sweating Proklezilch's ear, like a cat teasing a rather tasty mouse. "The one which she never really promised anything of the like but with you thinking more with your mivonks than frontal lobes . . . ."

"But-but-but!!" Pronklezilch sputters. "Hey, did you spy on me here or . . ."

Chiana interrupts, moving a little to now actually squeeze (if only a little bit) the angered mage (causing him to gasp in pain).

The playfulness slips out of her voice and the next part is definitely having much of the dragon growl in it: "What did you do to them you fretic?!"

"Chiana," I call to her. "Please, nothing . . . drastic. At least not yet please?"

She is angry at "Pronky", obviously. Still, I sense that things will not slide out of control into mayhem (either on Pronklezilch's side or my Companion's side). Good, when all is said and done.

That said though, I rather am not taken by this man. Oh, not as much as some like, say, Stahlman (that one chap who Betty may have told you about in that one rather odd TV show that mirrors my life so much? That one episode of Doctor Who called Inferno? The chap who tried to quash me on the head with a batton when I interrupted his sabotage attempt of his own computer? I do NOT forget something like THAT, old chap!)

. . . .

Well, whatever. At least this time around I do not need to use anything in the way of Venusian karate (or Venusian Akido) holds on him to make him behave! Do rather have to admit that Chiana has a paw . . .er . . . hand in that matter. Rather well in hand indeed, if you pardon the pun!

. . . .

Sigh, well enough chitchat. We should just "cut to the chase", as the cliché goes

As the group leader I believe that I should ask the next part (though my wife is doing a splendid job but cannot let her have all the "fun").

"Yes," I say firmly, stepping forward. "What did you exactly do to them? Pray tell, I DO hope for your sake you didn't do something as foolish as . . . say, transform them into some other kinds of creatures?"

The sudden blanch that he gives me tells me . . . . he did. "What?" the resident Dr. Vincent blinks, clearly not having expected this.

  1. "What are they now?" Elrondir asks softly, playfulness now having left his demeanor after that rather . . . . questionable joke about body searches.

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