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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 55639

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"After that, by all means find somewhere private and, er, get to know each other better." my . . . twin? . . . sister?! . . . suggests.

No. There is a term more appropriate, even if it was only recently introduced to both me and my lifemate. It might explain why I have these unexpected . . . feelings I have towards this Other. A term who's nuances are still not exactly fully known to us, but still . . . The most "correct" term would be either doppleganger or analog from what I remember from the "briefing" that Rule (unexpectedly animated Rule from what some eldritch sense tells me) gave us. That and much more was given out by him.

However, he also did mention that any questions we might have concerning his "briefing" (any terms needing explanation and such) would and could be answered by these . . . other Champions. Other kinds that I and my new found love might have will be answered by them because . . .

Because he could not stay longer, else risk a "temporal paradox" or some such. Something about signs being that these types were mired up in events that were YET to happen for his Office.


What that exactly means I do not understand, yet. See, while rather closed mouthed about Themselves, I DO remember vaguely from prior lives lived that time for Rules (and Agents) passes rather differently than it does for us mere mortals.

. . . .

Oh wait. I just remembered! I and my love are no longer mortal! Instead of being reincarnated every time we die as Champions we . . .

THIS will take some getting used to, to say the least!!

Yes, let us talk with our twins (and perhaps find out just WHY they look exactly like us except for somewhat different hairstyles). Tell them our history before coming into our rightful forms and then learn something about them and their friends!

Who knows, maybe they can tell us about this Dark Tower (a term that came swimming back up from somewhere from long ago) that us Champions are trying to save from destruction!

As the Dark Elves go off to a shady dell near a running stream, the bawdy girls come back from their discussion.

At a guess Inquirer would place good money that they'd come to some kind of decision on their next course of action. Whatever it is . . .

  1. Looks like it shall raise a few eyebrows in part, by the odd looks that "bawdy girl" Astra keeps giving Freda!

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