Battle for the Psychoverse, part 1

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 52311

The Doctor raced through the sterile white corridors as quickly as he could, with Mike and Little Mikey trailing behind him. "Hurry!" he shouted. "We have to get to Susan before it's too late!"

"Is it just me," said Mike, panting, "or are these corridors changing location?"

"You're right!" said the Doctor, frowning. "This whole area appears to be operating according to an increasingly chaotic equation..." He continued to run, homing in on Susan's mind, and taking careful note of the changes in the structure of the corridors Finally, he reached a point where he saw Susan and a young man lying on the floor. "Susan!" he shouted. He ran over to her and quickly embraced her. He then saw David 5 and frowned. "Who's that young man with you?"

"I've never met him before and I don't know how he got here, but he saved my life. He says he's David 5, an analog of someone called David Campbell..."

The Doctor frowned intensely. "You've already met David Campbell," he said. "In fact, if this universe is anything like mine, at this point you would already be married to him... Of course! This universe is trying to overwrite our own time streams so it can absorb us into its chaos!"

"Where the bloody hell is this, anyway?" said Mike.

"I don't know," said the Doctor. "This place seems to be fundamentally based on Chaos. I hope we haven't thrown Agent Strange into the briar patch..."

"We're in his mind," said David-5 grimly. "Agent Strange unleashed the thinies and managed to take advantage of the chaos and absorb the Multiverse into his own chaotic equation of being when it was reset. How are you still alive? I thought Agent Strange defeated you long ago..."

"You're from a potential future from my point of view," said the Doctor. "I am still fighting the battle with Agent Strange. We may be able to turn this to our advantage..."

"Look out!" said David. He dived into the path of a beam of black energy that was aimed straight for Susan. "David, no!" screamed Susan, but it was too late. He was hit squarely in the chest and his body crumbled to dust. Five beings stood in the place where the beam had come from--a tall, distinguished man in an immaculate suit the left half of whose body was covered in machinery, an unnervingly beautiful woman in a 60's-ish catsuit, a large and hulking robot, a swirling vortex of multicolored energy in humanoid form, and the being who had shot the beam--a tall, skeletally thin man in pitch-black armor with a black axe.

"You fool!" said the cyborg in the suit, who from his bearing and pure hatred was unquestionably a heretofore unknown incarnation of the Master. "You've cheated death many times in the past--but now, at last, you shall fall before the Revenge Squad! Deviant! Ultimate Cyberman! Omen Scourge! Vengeance of the Black Sun! Get them!"

The Doctor's gaze was steely and determined. "Susan," he said, "I'm an Eternal Champion so only I will be able to do what we're about to do, but I'll need your help. I'll need you to link up your mind with me and aid me in directing the plan."

"What about me and Little Mikey?" said Mike.

"Do your best to keep the enemies away from us and try not to die."

"Well, thanks a lot," he muttered, narrowly dodging an axe-blast from the Vengeance of the Black Sun "At long last, the Vengeance of the Black Sun will claim the blood of a Time Lord!" he hissed. "If you continue to stand in my way, your soul shall suffer eternally along with theirs within my soul-axe!"

"I somehow doubt that," said Mike, kicking the axe out of his hand. But then he was floored by a magnificently swift, elegant, well-placed kick from the Deviant. "Why is it that every beautiful woman I ever meet either hates my guts or is trying to kill me?" he whined as he futilely tried to block her blows.

"The Doctor is the one I'm trying to kill. He is the one I respect. You are of no interest to me," she said. She was about to finish him off with a karate chop when Little Mikey lunged for her and slashed at her leg. She hadn't noticed him and so was comletely unprepared. As she turned to attack him, Mike tried to take advantage of it and knock her, out, but a blow from the Ultimate Cyberman sent him slamming into the wall. "Resistance is useless," it said, in a flat and terrifying voice.

"That's what they all say," said Mike. He ran under its legs, trying to distract it, but another blow slammed into him and broke several of his ribs. "Resistance is useless," it repeated. Now Omen Scourge was standing over Mike, chronal energy shimmering around his (her? it's?) hand. Where the ripples touched his shirt, it withered away and decayed.

  1. "Well, this sucks," said Mike feebly. "What a stupid way to die..."

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