Fred sits in a jail cell

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 5042

Fred sits on the lone bench that fills a wall in the jail cell. Ahead of him he can see a desk with many strange items on it. To the left is a brick wall and a hallway that soon turns out of sight. On the wall of the hallway someone had somehow captured the images of many of these 'police officers'. To the right of the cell is a huge door that leads to a chaotic, open area the size of a king's receiving chamber. There's so many unfamilar things about this place!

The former occupants of this cell stand to one side, well away from Fred and his bench. This, he had recognized. A brawny, tanned man with a red head covering had tried to accost Lord Fred. He had knocked him to the floor with a back-hand slap.

At least Astra was okay, Fred mused. He had seen how she had been given covering and led to an all-female area.

  1. Absolutely nothing exciting continues to happen.
  2. The dragon's hell-led forces attack the police station.

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