Getting Closer

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 50097

As Fred enters the right passage, he steps into something squishy. He expects the usual dog poop, but this time it is something different... human innards. They form a trail going down the passage.

"This can't be good," Fred mutters.

He continues down the passage, taking care not to step on too many organs. He grips his sword tighter as he walks. Fred slowly peeks around a corner and sees the previous owners of the splattered entrails. The passage opens into a large chamber, lit by torches. Upon the far wall are bodies. Fred notices the bodies are arranged in a strange pattern.

"Words!" Fred exclaims. "The bodies spell 'stay away.' Hm, I guess whoever lives here doesn't like visitors. What should I do?"

  1. Search the room for valuables.
  2. Continue on.
  3. Go back.

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Mad Dawg

12/15/2008 8:03:09 AM

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