The Trustworthy Trollmann (=wizard)

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 38807

"I will, I will!" Belboz cried. "Just get these ropes off me!"

"Tell me where the Dragon is," Fred repeated calmly, ignoring the Necromancer's desperate twitching on the ground.

After a few seconds, the old body settled on the ground, and Belboz let out a heavy sigh. "All right, I will tell you."

"That's more like it," Fred said and bent down to listen to Belboz' directions.

"You have to follow that passage for about half an hour," Belboz said and shrugged his head towards one of the entrances. "Then you will come to a fork in the road. You have to choose the right passage. Keep going, and you will find a secret passage to the Dragon's lair. Is that good enough?"

Once Belboz had been freed, he ran like hell, barely stopping to pick up his book. A few pages flew out of it, but the Necromancer ignored them and darted off into a dark passage.

Fred picked up the pages and studied them. It was all written in some ancient, foreign language. Fred folded the pages and put them in his pocket, then started walking in the direction the Necromancer had pointed out.

After about half an hour, he came to the fork in the road.

"I guess I have to go right, then," Fred thought. "After all, that's what the evil sorcerer told me to do."

  1. What if he had been lying? Fred went to the left.
  2. No, he must have been telling the truth under that kind of pressure. Fred went to the right.

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