The Twentieth Summer

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 41757

Belboz nodded his head and looked at Fred in the eye, as if he were mulling over the offer. Fred now wished he had not brought this up. He tried to keep his composure, but there was a slight tightening of the throat, and his heart beat a little faster. "What am I involving my sister in, even indirectly?"

Belboz then said, in a business-like tone, "At the start of the the latest summer, how old was she?"

"Eighteen. Why?"

"It is an idea. I would not be willing to let Astra go unless the trade were an even one. It would lessen the impact of her vow, and cheapen it. However, your sister might be able to redress that balance."

The colour was running out of Fred's face. He had been grateful to Belboz for saving his life, but was he now making a diabolical deal? However, he felt compelled to listen.

"I feel an obligation for Astra's safety, and enjoy her company. That becomes important, as my chosen path in life is by its nature not a social one. If Astra were to join your house, I would think that it would only be fair to give me something equal in return."

Fred said nothing as Belboz continued, "Rowena may be fit to become my apprentice. It is a long road, and involves renouncing much, but she will also gain a lot of knowledge and power that she would not have otherwise. The preparation for her apprenticeship would last ten years, where she would have to submit to complete and unconditional obedience to me. You, and her friends and family, would not see her during that time.

The next ten years would be a time of trial, where her skill and wisdom would be tested. This would be a time of extreme hazard.

Finally, on her fortieth summer, she would be initiated into the mysteries. She would still be under obligation to me, of course. Such is the nature of the bond that forms when one undertakes the arcane arts.

"But Astra is already a slave to you? Why is Rowena more desirable?"

"She might be more desirable, depending on a few things. The main thing is that Astra could never be initiated into the fellowship of those that practice the arcane arts. Her mind is too unsettled, and besides that, she is too old, having passed her twentieth summer. To have a pupil who could understand me and my ways, that would be fair compensation."

"It is a heavy price that you ask."

"The oath that Astra swore was not a light one, Fred. But there are some things that have to pass before the trade can be accomplished. The first thing is that the apprentice must be a gentleman or gentlelady, of the same class as Astra."

"Rowena is the daughter of a duke."

"The difference between daughter of a king and daughter of a duke does not matter for this purpose. The second thing is that she must be unblemished in body."

"What do you mean by that?"

"She should be a maiden that has no broken bones or missing organs, no sickness, and no scars, cuts, or marks on her body when presented on her twentieth summer."

"Is that all?"

"No. The last requirement is, at the passing of her twentieth summer solstice, she would need to pass a test. If she has any ability in the arcane arts, that is to you, magic, she will display it then. And then the trade will be possible."

Belboz had anticipated that Fred might ask for Astra's freedom, and thought of giving him requirements that might be unpalatable, but not impossible, for Fred to accept. But the most important requirement was that the trade could not completed until some time had passed, and he would not be called on to release Astra. Even if Fred agreed to his terms, it would be over a year before he would be able to complete them. The prospect of being presented with another helpless noble maiden within the next couple of years was an unintended, but welcome, consequence of the 'deal' that he offered.

Fred was stunned, and said little. Belboz, not wanting Fred to reject the 'deal' and get angry with him, then tried to ease Fred's conscience. "Of course, it is not that Rowena would get nothing out of the deal. If she stayed home, what would be her fate? To be married off to some stranger, and keep an estate running while her prince was off fighting somewhere else? To wear herself out producing an heir, and if she grows old without producing one, to be discarded as one would a broken horse? If she became an apprentice, would she really have that much less freedom? Lord Fred, I think that you should at least offer her the choice."

"We can talk about this later, Belboz. It is just a little too much for me to understand now. I do not know what the right thing to do is."

"You asked, and I let you know my terms. You do not have to decide now, of course."

At this point, Alric came into the room. "The horses are packed and ready to go, my Lord. What is your pleasure?"

Lord Fred replied,

  1. "I wish to leave now."
  2. "I need to wake one of the women. I have something important that I must discuss with her privately."

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