It's a Gorilla!!!!!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3924

The noise sounded like it was comming from an angry gorilla, and indeed it was! There was a good deal of bumping and growling and roaring and what not. The only logical conclusion was that it was a gorilla! What else would it be!? I mean really!? Damn. Anyways, back to the story...

"I don't like the sound of that." Lord Fred said as he listened intently to the raging gorilla inside the cell. "That's one angry gorilla!"

"It could be hippo." Abe replied. "Don't just make an assumption and then accept it like a fact."

Fred's face turned red with anger, he was overwhlemed with anger, and looked like he was about to explode at any moment.

  1. Oh dear. Will Lord Fred pull out his sword and lunge at Abe in a fit of rage?
  2. Or will he hug and cuddle Abe, then proceed to investigate the cell? (There is an angry gorilla in it!)

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