Not What Hannah Had Been Hoping For

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 39225

"Oh," said Hannah, unable to disguise her disappointment.

"What's the matter, my dear?" Belboz asked her. "What did you think that I was going to say?"

"That this was the day when I might finally leave the caves."

"Then are you so eager to say farewell to your poor old uncle?"

"Of course not." She briefly kissed his cheek. "You know that you're very dear to me. It's just that I long to see the world at first hand rather than only through magical scrying. I know that I came to live with you when I was only three, and I can't remember a time before that. I've never experienced what the world has to offer. I need to spread my wings."

  1. "The day when you will leave the caves will come soon enough. But first you must learn the secret of the Red Tome."
  2. "I'm sorry Hannah, but whatever gave you the idea that we had long planned for the day when you would leave the caves? You can never leave."
  3. "Well, if you're that eager, then you may leave tomorrow."

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