Fred Is Hit By An Arrow

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3898

"Ouch!" said Fred. Astra turned to look at him in concern. "Don't worry. It's only a minor flesh wound," he reassured her. "But we need to get out of this clearing. Having a clear view was a good idea if we anticipated an animal attacking us, but a bad thing if there's an archer out there. He must have seen us by the light of our fire. We need to hide amongst the trees."

They headed towards the shelter of the trees and away from the light of their fire, in the opposite direction to that from which the arrow had come.

  1. But they became separated in the darkness.
  2. The archer came into view on the far side of the clearing. He was an elf.
  3. Fred slumped to the ground. The arrowhead must have been dipped in a powerful soporific.

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