
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 37635

Minestus, in the guise of Belboz, telepathically spoke to Astra. "I found a silver medallion in Checkers' effects. What did she tell you about it?"

Astra replied, "It is a safe conduct of some sort, to her homeland. Neither of us knows quite what to make of it."

"Come here, outside the cavern with the springs. I wish to discuss this further."

Astra did not object to the command. The telepathic communication gave her a headache. She thought that she really could use a towel to dry herself, and some sandals to protect her feet. She then saw a pair of short leather shoes on the floor, a red linen towel, and a lantern. She waded out of the spring and onto the warm rock floor. After drying herself and tying the towel around her, she slipped on the shoes and lit the lantern. She walked further into the caves. Soon she saw Belboz and his little laundry.

Belboz was gently tossing the medallion up and catching it casually. He looked up, and started to speak to Astra, in the manner of a schoolmaster.

"Astra, I found this in Checkers' pile. It is not polite for her to take things that are not hers, but I shall let this pass. In fact, I shall let her keep this for the time being. She may find it educational."

This calm and condescending manner of Belboz was not welcome to Astra. "He has something in mind," she thought.

Belboz chose to reveal some information to Astra. "Of course, I could crush Checkers easily, if I had a mind to. But I think that she has something I want, and I am not speaking of the medallion. There were rumours of a second form of magic, not practised by the wise men of Tetralonia, that was known by the former inhabitants of these caves. I had been looking for signs of it for years, but have not been able to find it. I thought that it might be a legend, or possibly a hoax."

"I had looked at the various nations of the Havnheim and the Ryngaerd, searching for clues. I dismissed the Gliders, as they have never shown any signs of magical inclination. But I have had to rethink that."

"First, there is the little problem of how you freed yourself from your bonds. I left you in the holding chamber, safe and secure, and then enter my study only to find you there with the two adventurers. [22590] Then it appears that somehow the black armour that you were wearing lost its special properties while Checkers and I were exploring. [23971] It appears to me that my arrangements have been interfered with twice in the last couple of days by some unusual force. Perhaps that second form of magic is taking effect. I rather doubt that Fred has any ability, but Checkers, on the other hand, could possibly have something to do with it."

Belboz continued, "Now, I have tried to get her to reveal anything that she knows in my form of Belboz, but she seems wary. I have to know. Astra, if the second order of magic has come back into the Shreken, it could be placing the natural order of things at risk. It is in your interest to help me."

"I do not care for the current 'order of things'. He is going to have to do better than that. And what exactly does he think that I can do?"

Belboz continued, "Now, as it appears that she will not share her knowledge, or does not quite know what she is doing, then it is incumbant on me to speed up the process. Perhaps pain and physical harm will help. A few broken bones in the wing, perhaps a leg, at least to start. It will take a while; the trick is not to kill the Glider right off, but to keep her alive and under stress long enough for her to work some of her magic." Astra believed that he was not bluffing.

"Now, Astra, the process takes a long time, and I know that you and Fred would be bored waiting for her. So I will send Fred out on a task that may take some time, but I will entertain you by inviting you to watch, and even help participate, if you like."

Astra felt sick. She felt that Belboz was telling her all this with some motive other than cruelty. She simply shook her head at his last statement.

"Suit yourself. Of course, this is a last resort. There is another method that I might wish to try, if you would be agreeable to it."

"Here is where I find out what he wants me to do," thought Astra.

"For the next seventy-two hours, I would like to try an alternate method; one that will not be quite as destructive. All that you need to do is

  1. to befriend her, and find out what she knows. She seems to like you. After three days, if I am not happy with the results, I shall use brute force."
  2. to talk to Fred, and have both of you shun her. She will have to confide in me then. You of course will not tell her why. After three days, if I am not happy with the results, torture will be used."

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