Where Did I Put that Medallion?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 37481

Fred's eyes wandered throughout the caverns. The mineral springs were a wonderful place. The lava emitted an unearthly reddish glow. The steam from the springs obscured vision; the details of the landscape and the other bathers were washed out, much like an impressionist painting. A relaxing burbling noise of the roiling springs was broken from time to time with a hiss of steam released the rocks. There was a reek of sulphurous chemicals, similar to the smell of rotten eggs, but the three adventurers quickly became used to it. The discordant impression that the scene left in Fred's mind was that of a cheerful version of Hell.

Astra, glad to be in out of the rain, wished that she could see what Belboz was doing. She also wished that she could be rid of some of her excess weight, but considering the curses that she had been under, she was happy that this was all that she had been subjected to. It is better not to think of him. Speak of the devil and he will come, and all that. Surely I will know soon enough what he had in mind.

Fortunately for the trio, Astra had forgotten about a certain medallion [30658]. It might have been unpleasant if Belboz had decided to read her mind. Checkers, on the other hand, was sinking toward sleep. She had been exhausted by the work of digging the pit for the mirror. Her muscles were not adapted to doing this task as a human's were. The mineral springs were doing a good job of relieving the aches in places that were not used to be stretched quite the way they had been. I really cannot figure Belboz out. He is capable of being helpful, and even heroic, as he helped save Fred and myself. But there is something that seems false, and he has acted basely in some important ways. His ways are strange, and he has some vices, such as vanity. If only he would release Astra from slavery, then I would have to say that the good that I have seen from him outweighs the bad. Well, there is the medallion to explain.

The medallion!

Her heart skipped a beat, and she was no longer sleepy. Checkers knew that she still had it. She could not remember if she had left the medallion in her clothes, if it was in her pouch, or if she had hidden it in the high cave, which is where she had intended to place her pouch. And now Belboz was pressing her clothes. If he found the medallion there, she would have to explain how she found it and why she had taken it. Of course, Belboz could look in her pouch, too, but then he would have some explaining to do as well.

Meanwhile, Belboz

  1. finds the medallion in Checkers' skirt.
  2. finds the medallion while rummaging through her pouch.
  3. does not find anything of interest. He does, however, have a magical item that he has been yearning to use, and now seems to be a good time.

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