Bath Time

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 37364

Belboz grabbed the rocks rather rudely from Checkers and tossed them aside. "The beacon has done its job in enabling Fred and Astra to find us," he told her. "We don't need it any more. As I just told you, it could attract the dragon."

"I'm sorry," Checkers said. "I was so fascinated by the light that your words did not register."

Damn the Glider's curiosity! Belboz thought. But for the heavy rain, that beam could probably have been seen from thirty miles away. Even with the weather as it is, there must be a chance that Fred's squire will have seen it and be assisted in finding us. Still, at least I have a good excuse for taking everyone back into the caves now.

Leading the other three back inside, Belboz took them back to his chamber, where he collected several large towels and some soap. From there, he took them along a passage where none of them had been before. After a short time, they emerged in a large cave. The air was full of steam and the reek of sulphur, and they could hear the sound of bubbling water. Belboz led them towards the sound, and they found themselves on the edge of a pool of water some twenty yards across.

"Strip off and dive in, and I will see to your clothes," Belboz told them. Checkers did so readily, Astra a little more reluctantly, since she did not trust Belboz not to meddle with her clothes - of course, if he did so it would not be the first time. But Fred hesitated. It would surely not be proper for an Allarian knight and nobleman to bathe naked with two maidens.

"Don't be shy," Belboz told him. "The hot water will do you good."

For once, Astra was sure that Belboz's words could be taken at face value. "Yes, come on, Fred," she urged him. "Don't be silly. You need to get warm."

When Checkers added her support to the other two, Fred reluctantly stripped off, keeping his back to the pool, in which by this time Astra and Checkers were already immersed. Once naked, he quickly turned and jumped in. Astra and Checkers politely looked the other way.

  1. As Fred, Astra and Checkers bathed, Belboz saw to cleaning and pressing their clothes.

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