Some Unexpected Visitors

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 36866

Something about the way Mike was salivating and staring at Josh's thighs as he fingered his dagger was making Josh uncomfortable. He decided to take action. "Are you hungry?" Josh asked, taking a half-eaten Twinkie out of his belt pouch.

"Gimme that!" Mike screamed, snatching the Twinkie from Josh. He seemed to be on the verge of stuffing it into his mouth when instead he groaned and knelt down to take a little tiger kitten out of his backpack.

"Aw! How cute!" Josh grinned.

"Mommy!" the kitten said as Mike fed him the Twinkie.

"He can talk?" Josh asked.

"Yea!" the kitten said. "My name is Mikey, and I'm a hyperintelligent btelloid rocifer!"

"Oh yeah, I think I saw those in Game 3." Josh said. "Can I pet him?"

"Here, go nuts." Mike said, tossing Josh the kitten. Mike sat back, rubbing his forehead. "We're all gonna die anyway."

"Don't give up hope!" Josh said, scratching behind Mikey's ears as the kitten purred. "There's always a way out, no matter how hopeless the situation seems!"

"Well, our situation seems pretty hopeless." Demifox Fred was saying. "We might as well give up."

"I wouldn't do that just yet." the Doctor smiled. His savage beating had only served to cheer him up, now that he had regained consciousness.

"Why not?" Fred said, standing up and punching the walls of the cage. "We're trapped like rats!"

"More like demifoxes." Astra said. "And Minestus still has a long way to go before he can outsmart a fox!"

She walked over to the door and produced a lockpick from somewhere within her fur. Within seconds the cage swung open, and Fred and Astra emerged to set the Doctor free. "I found it when I searched Zodin's laboratory, while the rest of you were discussing how to escape." she explained.

"Good work, Astra!" the Doctor said. "Now to find Susan and the others."

Suddenly two frogmen burst into the room. "Mon dieu! Ze prizoners are ezcaping!

"Time to get some payback!" Fred smiled, cracking his knuckles.

An exit opened up in the wall and a massive shadow fell into the room. Fred and Astra stared in bewilderment as a 7' tall humanoid with green- gray skin protruded with spikes stepped inside. He had glaring, beady red eyes, whirring chainsaws for arms and wore a helmet shaped like an atomic bomb. The beast came complete with a vile odor and a bad attitude.


"So Minestus is going to try to kill us after all." Fred said. He steeled himself for a grueling fight.

Susan was sitting on a chair in the center of a gigantic planetarium. The spherical glass ceiling overhead glowed with thousands of stars in unrecognizable constellations. Minestus was pacing around her.

"I don't care what you do to me." Susan said. "But if you hurt my grandfather any more, I swear you will not get away with it."

"Quite the contrary, darling Susan." Minestus said. "What you're saying is based on the flawed assumption that good will eventually triumph. That the cavalry will come riding over the hill any minute now. But that isn't going to happen, not this time. The plague of thinies has the Champions' forces stretched thin just to prevent all sorts of horrible catastrophes. Furthermore, the Rules and Agents know nothing about this place. Which is a shame, for it is exactly from this place that the Universe will crumble and fall under the sway of Darkness."

"You're a monster." Susan said quietly. "No... worse. Even a monster only kills to sate his hunger. You're a demon."

"How right you are!" Minestus laughed. "Only a demon could devise a plan of such brilliance! Look above you."

Susan looked up to see what looked like an asteroid flying past in the starlit space overhead. The asteroid seemed to contain some sort of machinery within.

"Do you know what that is, Susan?"

"I don't care."

"I'll tell you anyway. On that asteroid that spins around this pocket dimension of Zodin's is the real transmitter causing the thinies. The one that Rassilon is after - or would have been had Fred been successful - is just a decoy, set by that perfect patsy, the Master. The Champions will waste their energy and time going after it - while this real one seals the Universe's fate! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!"

Minestus stopped in front of Susan and held her chin in his hand. "So my dear, you can see that it is pointless to resist. Why don't you just give in and spare yourself the agony of a mind-shuffling?"

"Go to hell." Susan said, her eyes burning with anger.

"Well then." Minestus smiled. "Then I guess I have no other choice."

Suddenly there was a bright flash of lightning, and a man dressed in a dark leather jacket stood in the room. His facial features were attractive, but not kind.

"You!" Minestus exclaimed.

"What's up, fat boy?" Agent Strange grinned, producing a grenade launcher. "I'm here to tell you I'm taking over the project. I don't work with child-kidnapping scumbags."

"You're hardly one to moralize, Lost Agent." Minestus said, a sword of throbbing dark energy appearing in his hand as he went into a sumo stance. Susan decided this was a good time to take cover.

The next episode features...

  1. Minestus vs. Agent Strange.
  2. Human Fred and Astra vs. Attackur.
  3. Demifox Fred and Astra and the Doctor vs. the mutant frogmen.
  4. The ongoing adventures of Josh, Mike and Mikey the Rocifer kitten.

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