The Shadow Sector

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 36848

The others on the board cursed, but otherwise didn't struggle, they feared being plummeled like the Doctor. Minestus carried them to a group of small cage-like cells in a corner of the caves and deposited the Doctor and the demifoxes there, in individual cells. The golems took Susan elsewhere. "Don't worry about your friend there," Minestus said "I'll take good care of her, after I've made her a Champion of Darkness."

Minestus remained behind and taunted and teased the demifoxes for his own personal enjoyment. Fred and Astra were soon growling at him in hatred. Josh was less tolerent of it, and had put his paws to his ears and tried to fall asleep in the corner. Minestus kicked his cage, "What's the matter, computer-boy, don't you like me?"

Josh turned around and started throwing the most unpleasant of swears he could think of at Minestus. Minestus kicked his cage harder, and then did the same to Fred and Astra.

"You foxes are just so cute I think I'll keep you as pets. On the other hand, pets need to be trained and such and I don't really have the time," he stopped, and thought a bit, "You know, I have really less use for you than I thought. I think I'll let you play the same game as the Doctor, you like games, don't you Josh?"

Before any of the demifoxes could react, Minestus snapped his fingers and they found themselves elsewhere.

Josh got up and looked around. This place was unfamiliar. None of the others were in sight. He assumed the unconcious Doctor, Fred, and Astra all got teleported to similar locations. Suddenly, he heard a moan coming from behind a rock. A thin, unshaven, messy looking man crawled out. Josh noticed the nasty, but healing, wounds down his back. The man looked up at Josh.

"You- You're- not one of- the monsters-" he said with great difficulty.

"I know, where am I? Who are you? Should I look for help? I was in a cage as this dragon-mage Minestus guy was mocking us and. . ."

"My- *cough* name is Michael Cunningham. Welcome- to hell." (see 15464)

  1. Josh tries to help Mike
  2. Meanwhile, Demifox Fred
  3. Meanwhile, Demifox Astra
  4. Meanwhile, the Doctor
  5. Meanwhile, Human Fred and Astra
  6. Meanwhile, Susan

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