Fred and Astra vs. Attackur

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 37085

"Wait, if we're Eternal Champions, can this. . . thing really harm us?" asks Fred.

"Well, it can harm us but not kill us," replies Astra, "Still, I'd rathar avoid the pain."

They reached for their weapons. Fred still had his sword with him, and Astra pulled out the laser rifle she had acquired earlier.

"RESISTANCE IS FUTILE, PUNY CREATURES!" Attackur screamed. He began swinging his chainsaw arms towards Fred and Astra. They both dodged, and Astra fired her laser. It hit Attackur straight in the chest, doing no visable damage. "YOU HAVE TO DO BETTER THAN THAT!" Attackur turned towards Astra.

"What! No way!" Astra backed up against the wall. Attackur was about to bring his chainsaws down on her, when Fred ran up behind him and stabbed him in the back. Surprisingly, (especially seeing as the laser didn't hurt Attackur), this actually created a small wound, dripping blood. Attackur barely noticed it. He turned around and thwaped Fred into one of the windows, which shattered revealing nothing but a stone wall behind it.

"What the?" Fred momentarily wondered if this room was actually anywhere near the chessboard, and if they just saw the game by some sort of enchantment. He didn't have much time to wonder about that, because Attackur had now turned his attention to him! At first, he thought he had sliced Astra in two or something and was now about to do the same to him, but then he noticed Astra unsheathing her blade and attacking Attackur similarily to how he did. This Attackur creature isn't the most intelligent opponent I've ever faced, Fred noted.

Fred and Astra continue their "distract-stab" pattern for some time, until Attackur seemed to begin to notice their pattern. He managed to corner Fred and Astra together. "YOU PUNY HUMANS SHALL DIE NOW!" Attackur roared, raising his chainsaws. He brought them down through empty air. Fred and Astra were cornered against the exit to the room, and had escaped through it.

  1. We continue to follow these two as Attackur gives chase. . .
  2. Meanwhile, Josh, Mike and Mikey. . .
  3. Meanwhile, Demifoxes Fred and Astra and the Doctor. . .
  4. Meanwhile, Susan, Minestus, and Agent Strange. . .

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