Fred's Request

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 35907

The group remained silent for a time, each alone in his or her own thoughts. In the distance, echoes from the flow of the underground river could be heard, and a current of air caused the torches to flicker. Fred then spoke to the gathered party. He spoke from the heart, regarding neither his rank nor the front of bravado that a knight often feels that he must wear to show 'leadership' and to assert his place.

"Belboz, Checkers, and most of all, Astra, what I have to say is hard for me. Although the son of a Duke, and therefore a natural leader of men, I have valued the prizes of the sword more than the prizes of soft words. I believed that I had sought out the dragon so that I could do good for my king and subjects. He who reigns above has chastised me, and taught me a lesson that is worth all the gold in the dragon's hoard."

The trio listened to this unexpected speech with some interest. Fred continued. "I know now, thinking about it, what my mentor warned me about. While I indeed wanted to end the suffering of those whose lives have been hurt by the dragon, I did it more because they would thank me and glorify me than because I really cared for them. I saw this as purely a test or skill between me and the dragon, and that with a swift stroke or a clever strategem that I would be called virtuous. I have learned that the mantle of virtue is composed of many threads, some which can be woven by sword stokes and hammer blows, but some that cannot."

Fred turned to Belboz, and he said, "I owe you my life. Without your experience and skill, I would not be here. I have always feared men who have had knowledge that I do not have. The fear takes on takes on the mask of contempt and coldness - contempt because you have not been through the knight's training, and I therefore have I thought of you as somewhat lacking, and coldness because you know many things that I cannot fathom, and therefore can be a threat that I can not fight fairly, should you choose to be one. Forgive me for speaking freely. I am ashamed of my former hidden thoughts."

"You need not apologize, Fred. I am used to being misunderstood. It is part of the lot of those who choose my path. It cheers me to hear you are not of that mind."

"Thank you, Belboz. Checkers, you have also helped keep me alive. Without you, the wallhugger would have crushed me. And indeed, though your people are not men, our kindred are similar enough where your blood now flows in my veins. I see this as a sign, that we men of the West should accept you, and learn from you."

Fred continued, "You told me yesterday that you came here as the least of your people, as a misfit sent on a fool's errand. If this is true, then your people have made a lucky mistake. You are the finest envoy to our lands that I can imagine. I hope that you will be able to return in glory, and that you will finally be recognized for what you are."

Checkers nodded her head, and replied, "You are far too nice. I am doing my duty, as a Glider should. I myself am happy to be treated as a friend and comrade-in-arms. I am really happy to know that the next Glider in the West will be welcomed, and that I have made his or her path a little easier."

"And you, my great-hearted and noble Princess, what can I say? To Belboz and Checkers I owe my life, but to you I owe both my life and my heart. I have been told how your quick thinking saved me from the infernal demon, and the sacrifice that you made to ensure that I will live. I am ashamed to think that I had always thought of the tales of the valour of the Aqualarians to be puffed, and have despised the courage and loyalty of women. Astra, you have mocked my prejudices by your actions. I would indeed pay dearly to make you free, and, if you wish it, to be my consort as the future Duchess of Suffex."

The Princess smiled, but said nothing, for fear of drawing Belboz's wrath. But Belboz stood by placidly, ignoring Fred's veiled offer to buy the Princess' freedom.

Fred continued, "I have learned so much about true virtue from all of you. Two days ago, I would have laughed at the idea that any of you could offer anything to me, based on my simple view of the world. Now I would rather have you three than a dozen of the best fighters of the Great Kingdom. Personally, I feel as if I have slain a dragon that I did not know was there."

"Therefore, I would ask one favour. If I survive, I intend on carrying this out as my first deed when I get back home. But if I do not return from my errand alive, then I would like one of you to carry out my last wish. For the repose of my soul, I will three thousand Allarian marks to the Order of Saint Eusabius, at Stepford, near the river. They know me there - my family have been patrons for four generations. I would ask the good monks to perform one hundred masses, and pray for my soul. I would also like to apportion my stake in the dragon's hoard into thirds, with one-third to start a school of medicine, in the name of Belboz, one-third to start a school of natural philosophy, in the name of Checkers, and one-third to start a school of law, in the name of Astra. I have a plan."

Fred lined up some stones to form a geometric pattern. There were three squares, each oriented so that one side of each square was also one square of a central triangle. "These three squares will contain shelter for the scholars, while the central triangle will be a great courtyard, where the scholars of the three disciplines can mix. In front of each building, facing the courtyard, I should like to place a statue of each of you, facing the center of the courtyard. The artisans of Calife in are famed, and so I would like to commission the creation of the statues there, before we visit the Aqualarian capital. In the center of the courtyard, I would place a statue of the dragon that we are trying to kill, as a reminder of these perilous times."

Checkers commented, "First, somebody has to bring the dragon to justice. I doubt that he will hand over his hoard. But if I am the only one to survive, I will fulfill your request."

"And so will I," declared Astra. There would be some consolation in fulfilling this vow, at least, as it would imply that that dragon would be dead.

"And indeed, I will, as well," declared Belboz. He enjoyed the irony of his vow. After Fred and Checkers had been killed and he had overrun Allaria and took the monestary at Stepford Town, he would take great pleasure in building that monument to himself.

Fred then proposed that they leave the caves. It appeared that there would be no dragon hunting today, and that there was no need to stay in the dangerous spot.

  1. Belboz stays behind, in order to secretly cast a mischevious spell.
  2. The party leave the caves. It turns out that ahead of schedule, Fred's squire is waiting with a palfrey.

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