Belboz's Mischievious Spell

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 36051

"Besides," Fred pointed out, "we need to be outside when my squire arrives. I wouldn't want him to have to wait outside the entrance for us on his own. Even out there may not be a wholly safe place to be. Besides it's about time that I checked up on the horse that I came here on. I tethered it on a long rein beside where a spring emerges from the hillside not far from the cave entrance, where there was both grass and water for it. I was taking a bit of a chance in doing so, but there wasn't really any alternative. I couldn't let it just go free, as it would never have found its way home."

"Will you three please go on ahead," Belboz said. "I have a few arrangements that I need to make, since I may be away for some time. For example, I need to set up some more wards to ensure that neither the Dragon nor any other undesirables can enter my chamber whilst I am gone."

What is he up to now? Astra wondered.

Belboz happened to be listening. Apart from the reference to the Dragon, all that I said was true. Of course it may not have been the whole truth. But remember that a servant should not question the actions of her master.

Once Fred, Checkers and Astra had disappeared from view, Belboz wasted no time. Conveniently, the transfusion had made it easy for him to get samples of the blood of all three, in the cases of Checkers and Astra from residues on the insides of the bags that he had used to store their blood. That blood made it comparatively easy to cast a wide range of spells. In this case he would use the blood of each person in turn, casting the same spell each time: a "spook horses" spell.

That should cause a great deal of difficulty, ensuring that the horses would be all but unrideable by any of the three, without it being obvious to either Fred or Checkers that magic was behind it. They would just think that the horses were acting up for some unknown reason. Of course, he could have used his magic to kill Fred and Checkers, but he preferred a more subtle approach. Especially since, as has already been noted, he had reasons of his own for wanting to keep them alive in the short term.

  1. Soon he was ready to leave and rejoin the others.
  2. He decided to indulge himself with one further spell.

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