Wide New Tunnel

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 343

Fred gives up on his current situation and heads down a new tunnel. It is ten feet wide and tall as a football field.

Five hundred feet down he encounters an odd situation. To the right is a ladder sloping downwards at an easy angle. Bright light comes from the bottom, blocking views of whatever might be down there.
Ten feet in front of him is a hideous amalgamation of machinery. A track with mounted carriages on it comes from a small tunnel, loops around in front of him and heads on down a different tunnel so long the walls come together in the distance.

What does Lord Fred do now?

  1. He goes down the sloping ladder.
  2. He goes back the way he came.
  3. He jumps into one of the self propelled carriages.
  4. Sir Toby, Sir Paulito and Sir Josh appear in one of the new carriages.
  5. Fred unrolls his bedroll and goes to sleep.

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