Fred Tries to Break the Ice

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 34034

Lord Fred carefully softened the surface of the ice with his torch, which he had lit before entering the dim room. He did not want the torch to go out. He soon concluded that the torch would be snuffed before he could melt much ice. However, he heard a loud crack, and saw a white plane had formed inside the ice, where a fracture had started. He lay his torch in a crevice in the ground, and tried to pry the ice apart with his sword, but the ice did not budge. Lord Fred had to give up after less than a minute, as his hands were completely chilled by the cold iron of his sword. He gritted his teeth. He had moved too fast, and now held his gingerly over the heat of the torch. Slowly warmth returned and blood started to flow. Ahhh. he thought to himself.

He then lifted the torch and held it to the ice. He held the torch steadily against the fracture. He then heard a slight sizzling sound as bubbles of air escaped the melting ice, and a few small cracking noises. Then he heard a loud crack, and another fracture appeared. The torch was burning low, but progress was promising. Fred did not want to risk losing his light source in the dim cave, but he felt he was very close to freeing the object inside the ice.

  1. Fred backtracks and tries to find something he can use as a torch.
  2. Fred continues to apply heat to the ice.

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