The Collar

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 30375

Checkers shuffled toward Fred's table, staring at him. Astra noticed one disconcerting mannerism of Checkers - if she was interested or amazed by something, she tended to stare, and say very little. Astra asked Checkers, while she was staring at Fred, "Is there something wrong?"

"I do not think so. It looks like his injuries are gone. Something does not seem quite right with his shoulder, but I cannot get my wings around what it is. Did the wizard put a red collar around his neck?"

"That was my doing, Checkers. It is personal."

"Oh. Do you mind explaining? This is a custom that I never knew about."

Astra thought, "Yes, I do mind explaining, you twit. That is why I said it was personal." Astra took a deep breath, and thought better of it. She was feeling low. In the last few weeks she had gone from respected rising star of the Aqualarian royal house to plaything of the dragon. She was struggling to hold onto her last shreds of dignity, and the prospect of explaining the subtle points of courtly love and her sudden passion for Fred to Checkers, whose could be as naive as a child about these things, was not helping. Still, it was going to be a long night, and perhaps the conversation could be diverted to less painful channels.

"That is a lock of my hair. Back in the tunnel, Fred and I ... kissed each other, and we talked about some important things. Do you know what love is, Checkers?"

"Sure. It is a broad word. There is the love a Glider has for her country and people, and the love a parent and child have for each other. And then there is the love between a husband and wife. I take it this last sort is what you are going to talk about?"

"Er... yes, sort of. There is a custom in our land called courtly love. What happens is that the gentleman chooses a lady as his champion, and performs heroic deeds. Fighting enemies in war, rescuing citizens from danger, killing fell beasts - things like that. One thing that the knight asks for is an accolade - a token of his beloved's esteem. I had to improvise, so I cut a piece of my hair, and braided a collar for him."

"It is a skilled piece of work. Does courtly love mean that you cannot show the love between a husband and wife?"

"No. In fact, in this case, I feel that type, although we are not married."

"Yes, I saw that. Unless your love were that deep, you would not have made that vow."

Astra shuddered. She recognized what she was giving up, but having Checkers remind her of it hurt. It was not her fault, though.

Checkers continued, "Did you know Fred before?"

"No. I have only known him for a few hours."

Checkers stared again, and widened her eyes. Then she continued, "That is serious. I normally would wonder about that, but I just met Fred today, and it seems like an age. I really did not want to see him die. I would have felt like I lost a friend. And friends can be hard to come by here."

Both remainded silent for a time. Astra then asked a question. "Checkers, what would you consider me?"

"Someone with a heart that follows that Glider ideal without knowing it, I believe. You have potentially made a great sacrifice, giving up your freedom. I see that you are suffering from your decision, yet you do not break your oath. I hope that I will be as brave as you when it is my turn to face the dragon."

There was a silence, and Checkers fell asleep. Astra's drew the sword from her scabbard, her hand trembling slightly. She felt that Checkers had just provided her with a much-needed gift. Astra performed a set of exercises that she remembered from her military training, and her shattered confidence slowly started to mend.

  1. Four hours passed, and nothing happened. Checkers took the next watch.
  2. Astra stumbles upon something interesting in the laboratory.

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