Avoidance Leads to Weirndess

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 29471

As Fertal and Artizza didn't want their wonderful day spoiled by a fight with an irritating demon, they happily skipped off into the woods. They soon found that the terrain became less pleasant and more humid, but the trees were still lovely anyway. They were now in a full-blown jungle, with a huge extinct volcano looming ahead in the distance. A group of people were arguing intensely about something. Fertal saw that many of this group's members looked remarkably like him, and others looked like Astra. There was even a young man who looked like he could be Astra's brother. Somehow, his and Artizza's hearts instantly went out to them, although not to the female mages nearby or the mangy dogs.

"Do any of you have any idea where we are?" asked one of the Freds. "Because--"

  1. Fertal tells them...

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