A Chubby Little Demon

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 25240

Fertal's thoughts wandered their way back to where he had thought he put them. Suddenly it struck him how complicated this was all becoming. Had the red-clad agent been a broker for that horrid little girl or her father Oberon...or someone else entirely? The bureaucracies of evil were quite complicated it seemed, and it's hellspawns had many faces. He stopped in the midst of his dancing and "Artizza," said he, "I think maybe I know a way out of here."

Her ears perked up in interest. "Oh?"

"No. I just couldn't think of anything else to say. I feel so helpless right now."


"Well, no, I'm just rambling on to hear my own voice."

"You have a pretty voice," Artizza agreed.

A chubby little demon came up to them, wielding a tiny pitchfork. "Why hello," it hissed. "Why are you in my infernal orchard?"

"The man in red sent us here to rest," Fertal responded. "We had no idea this was your grove."

The demon's catlike eyes flickered with rage, or maybe they just reflected the flame swept forest, the elves (elfs?)couldn't tell. "Well no one told me about this!" the demon snarled. "Poppycock, I say! Do you hear me!? Poppycock!"

"Poppycock!" Artizza giggled merrily, enjoying the way the word rolled off her tongue. "Poppycock! Poppycock!"

"Don't you mock me, elfy," growled the demon. "I'll poke you in the eye! Go play somewhere else! Run along! There's plenty of other places to prance about around here!"

  1. They decided to avoid a confrontation and left the wood.
  2. They refused. As promised, the demon poked them in their eyes.
  3. They decided to avoid a confrontation but find themselves in a familar place they'd just left...
  4. They decided to avoid a confrontation and leave the wood. [Insane thread-linking version.]

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