Dark Sarcasm in the Classroom

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 28719

Everyone bolted back to their desks, their dirty little mouths held tightly shut, suspicious secrets mirrored on their shady, obnoxious faces. The cock- eyed teacher, of course, didn't seem to notice anything had gone awry and hastily grabbed an eraser, shaking his head at the mystic formula on the board. Just about then the alarm quit wailing, then whooped once, then stopped.

"Well, alright then," the teacher sighed in monotone, if you can believe it, furiously erasing the Doctor's chicken scratch. "I'm sorry you all had to see that...though you're all a bunch of mind-numb goats, all alike, all already corrupted beyond redemption, being slowly led to the slaughter...er, ahem! Sorry, meant to think that last part."

He pointed at the board. "I'd never witnessed such jibberish in all my life, no less on my chalkboard." The board now clear, he went to his desk and shufffled through an untidy pile of papers. "And in the middle of a chaos energy alarm, really! Everyone alright? No mysterious silver doors appearing or winged zebras in tuxedos harrassing the alumni? No spiraling staircases protruding through the classroom? Good. If your name is, ever has been, or ever will be Scott Chen, please say 'here'. No one? Dandy." (this was all standard post-chaos energy alarm teacher protocol)

He noted the intense looks he was recieving from the front row. "Oh," he added dryly. "Your friend has been sent to detention in the library, and he has automatically failed today's assignment. Now, pay attention..." He began to emaculately copy the formulae in his handy teacher's manual, which was never more than an arm's reach away from him.

Ragan cleared her throat rather loudly, startling the teacher in the middle of his thoughts. He reeled around, only to be met by a massive spitball aimed right at his forehead. Score! Ragan thought, a might bit gleefully at that, making no attempt to hide the incriminating straw at her mouth. I always wanted to do that!

The man blinked. "You...look what you have done! I have been smote by a paperball soaked in your syliva! Why - I..."

Ragan shrugged, cooly ignoring the questioning faces of her companions. "Trust me," she told them. "If we're going to get anywhere in this game, we had..." she lowered her voice, "...better join the Doctor in the library."

This finally seemed to make some sense to the Master, and he launched a spitball of his own at the ever befuddled little scholar of physics. He would indulge the Doctor in his schemes just this once in their little game. "Maybe this time the teacher will notice," the Master snickered as the messy projectile struck the balding man in the left lens of his glasses, adding, "This is all so borishly stupid."

"BOTH OF YOU!" the teacher roared (in monotone!), extending a shaky finger at the smirking culprits. "Come with me, out in the hall! This instant!"

The boorish idiot whom Dayanara had roughed up so expertly began cackling, rising from his chair as the trio left the room...

  1. We follow Ragan and the Master...
  2. Staying with what's left of the companions in the classroom...
  3. Meanwhile, the Doctor...

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