The Pen is Mightier

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 28103

In order to get Belboz to continue his story, Fred had to cough up another gold piece. But he had no cash on him. Fortunately, Belboz had agreed to take a check, as Fred did bring his checkbook along with him. Unfortunately, Fred had forgotten to take a pen. “Got a pen?” “It’ll cost ya…5 gold to borrow it.” “WHAT?” Belboz shrugged. “It’s a seller’s market down here, bub.” “But I just told you…I have no more money on me.” “My, that’s a fine pocketwatch you are carrying. *cough cough*” “This pocketwatch is an antique! It’s worth several times 5 gold!” “I understand. Now, if you’ll move along I need to make room for my paying customers.” Fred sighed. What choice did he have? He handed over the pocketwatch, and Belboz gleefully handed Fred a pen.

  1. Fred wrote out the check and handed it to Belboz. “I’ll need two forms of ID…”
  2. The pen was out of ink!

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