The Tale of Belboz and the Dragon's Toy, Part Two

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 28096

Belboz continued...

I agreed to help the villagers. Summoning an army of undead lawyers, I filed for a lawsuit against the dragon in the highest courts of the Great Kingdom. The area around Witchgreen was zoned as strictly 'a pleasant countryside hamlet'. If the dragon was going to set up his own dominion here he would just have to change the zoning laws...and that would be a hellish ordeal.

Little did I know that the top notch attorneys that worked for the dragon would do just that. They had something I didn't - lots and lots of gold. They merely bribed and bought off every official of the courts. With no other choice, the villagers decided that a lifetime of slavery under the dragon was better than moving (we had no U-Haul in these dark days, and boxes...they were hard to come by. Protective foam thingies were unheard of, and glass items never remained intact. Duck tape had yet to be get the point).

"This is going nowehere," Fred droned impatiently. "When does the dragon's toy come into all of this!?"

"Well if you quit interrupting me, maybe I could get to that," Belboz huffed, and then snapped his jaws shut like an old carp. "It'll cost you another gold to hear the rest of the story."


"And if you interrupt me again, it'll cost you another gold coin."

"Listen, I don't have any gold on me..."

"Any major credit card will do..."

"What about a check?"

Belboz regarded the haughty knight with an appraising eye. "I don't know about that. Last check wrote to me by a knight bounced..."

"I'm Lord Fred, buddy, I've got land and riches out the wazoo. I'm good for it."

"Fine, fine..."

"Got a pen?"

  1. "It'll cost you."

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