
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 24910

"Are you all right?" Fred heard Astra say roughly as they clambered to their feet.

"I - I think so," he replied. Odd, my voice sounds harsh too, he realized. Maybe we need some water to...

Fred's thoughts were cut off by a hissing screech next to him. He whirled - and found himself face to face with a creature from a nightmare!

The thing was massive, scraping the ceiling of the chamber. Its oblong, hairless head had three eyes that glowed red like malevolent coals, and its ears were over-large and came to great points at the top. There was no nose, merely an opened mouth which revealed a forked tongue set in two rows of massive, wickedly sharpened teeth. Its arms trailed to the floor, and the four fingers on each hand (and four toes on each foot) were tipped with vicious talon-like nails. Trailing behind it was an armored tail, about 3 feet in length, with deadly-looking stinger at the end.

Instinctively, Fred back up, ready to fight the foul beast with his bare hands if he needed to. That's when he noticed four things: First, that the creature was decidedly female. Second, that it was covered in the same symbols he and Astra were. Third, that his own head was mere inches from the roof of the enclosure. And lastly, that his own arms seemed to be much too long, with claw-like fingers on the end.

"A-A-Astra?!?" he said, already knowing the answer.

"Fred?!?" she cried.

The two of them relaxed and made their way over to each other. The two of them discovered that, to their horror, they were now a matched pair of - whatever it was they had become.

"Why?!?" Astra said in despair. Her voice now resembled the sound of two large rocks grindng against each other. "Why have they done this to us? And who's responsible?"

"I don't know," Fred said grimly, "But I do know one thing!"

  1. "When we find them, they are dead men!"
  2. "We have to find Vincent - he's the only one who can restore us!"
  3. "We must remain at the temple - our Master will soon come for us."
  4. Fred suddenly realized he had forgotten what he was about to say - in fact it was becoming almost impossible to maintain a thought in his head.

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