Zombies in the town's inn

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 21744

Zombies had invaded the lobby of the hotel.
Fred saw three scared and bleeding employees flee down a stairwell.
Fred howled out a battle cry and leapt into the midst of the creatures. He wasn't worried about contamination as everyone knew zombies could only be made by the spells of the third sons of evil mages.
Fred hacked off limbs left and right. Moldy organs spilled from sliced open stomaches. Unearthly moans came from throats seconds before Fred stabbed through them.
And still zombies came. Fred was in trouble.
Fred leapt back as he senses something big and brown to his right. Astra, dressed in a frilly pink gown, and two bellhops were mandhandling a display case across the floor.
Fred changed his tactics, no longer concerned with defeating zombies. Now it was to drive them back.
The bellhops and Astra got the large, black oaken case in front of the doors.
Fred stabbed a final zombie, then turned. He and the others spent a swift thirty seconds piling what they can against the doors.
"Now what?" said the smaller of the bellhops as he wiped his acne-scarred forehead. His nametag read 'Albert'.

  1. Fred asks Albert where one might find a supply of boards to bolster the first floor windows.
  2. Zombies came trundling and / or falling down the stairs.
  3. A pair of taloned arms busts up through the floor and pulls the second bellhop down through the hole.

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