Taloned Arms

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 28266

"Dammit!" cried the first bellhop, diving into the small hole. "Too many inns depend on adventurers to clear the basement of monsters!"
Fred and Astra are distracted by the need to shove a sign-in desk in front of a small, zombie-smashed window.
The bellhop pulls his comapnion out of the hole. But the arms reach up AGAIN and grab the man AGAIN.

  1. Astra helps save the man.
  2. Fred tries to save the man but is grabbed himself by a third arm.
  3. Fred and Astra try and save the man but move one micro-second too late. Things...tear.
  4. The bellhops run off, both unharmed.
  5. Three tentacles shoot out of the hole, dragging in both men. "It mutated!" screams one of them. Then blood and organs blast out of the hole.
  6. The bellhops are in a stalemate with the monster. Astra, however, is dragged past the zombie-damaged barrier and messily devoured.

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