Endless Perspectives - episode 86006

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17684

Scott smiles as he watches Naomi Wildman (the Kitarian/puma morph one, with surprisingly similar bumps on her forehead that correspond to her analogs) squeales and runs off, laughing as Neelix (the one from the human Voyager) plays tag with her. He shakes his head, enjoying the sight of her having fun in this Holodeck Playground. He chuckles, and then goes back to the picnic that he and furry Ensign Wildman had set up. Funny that after all that diminsional hopping through thousands of universes that they ended up back in the human universe, the place where they started out in.

"Well, at least we finally were able to get her and and her analog used to sleeping on different shifts!" Samantha says wearily. Her face shows the strain she'd been going through the last few days (funny how Scott could read that on a face that was like a cat . . . . maybe it was because of the intelligence behind the face....or maybe it was because Scott had gotten good at reading furry facial expressions.) "Human Captain Janeway has been running us ragged! I know that she's only doing it to keep the ship together! The Voyager was only meant for half of the crew she's carrying now! Still . . . . ."

Scott swallows the chuckle he feels coming on. Furry Samantha Wildman was partaking in one of the oldest known past time in the history of ships (space and nautical). She was grousing about how the higher ups were running her and her compatriots ragged. The way she looked and sounded, Scott was bright enough to know she wouldn't like to be laughed at! At least she wasn't talking sadly how the diminsional hopper was crisped beyond hope of repair . . . . and even if it did work how it only functioned to bring a ship to a different universe. . . . to an analogous spot in that new universe. . . . .not any closer to home at all (there was always a bitter undercurrent there). Scott himself had been busy finding a niche on the ship. He was leaning towards Security . . . . and had been making noises that he was interested in going that route (human Tuvok had hinted right back that a course of Star Fleet Academy was in order before Scott would be accepted). Scott was actually thinking he'd take the plunge . . . . but that was for the future. Now, there was his time with Samantha and Naomi! He'd been going with furry Ensign Wildman for the last two months (no more temporal waves, thank goodness. . . . though he kept that special hypospray nearby at all times). The relationship had . . . . deepened beyond merely going to bed. Wildman was wearing the engagement ring that Scott had replicated (a quaint item, Scott had acklowledged, but it had gone over well with Samantha). He and Samantha weren't going to rush into things, and Scott felt that Naomi and he were getting along rather well (Scott wants for Naomi to get to know him . . . . instead of just one day . . . . poof! . . . . Scott is her new "stepdad").

It is a pleasant time at the picnic. Topics range from, besides the OBVIOUS differences in appearance between the two crews, the HISTORY of the furry Federation (and crew) and and the human Federation (and crew) is strangely similar (almost a mirror image, except for a small detail here and there . . . . and the large difference that in the furry's universe . . . that Bald Janeway had conquered the Federation . . . .and had then gone and sought out (perhaps by way of her universe's Caretaker?) and captured furry Janeway's Voyager out in the Delta Quadrant). No speculations are made as to why Baldy did what she did are made (Ensign Wildman still had unpleasant memories of what Baldy's cronies had threatened to do to Naomi!)

After the picnic, Naomi soon tires herself out and she takes a nap. Neelix picks her up and takes her out to put her to bed (both Neelixs had been able to get both Naomi's to sleep when Samantha had failed . . . .). Scott and Samantha are still gathering up there things when. . . .

  1. Something else?

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