
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17683

...will always....ALWAYS be the phenotype of the furry partner).

Scott sits on the edge of the main bio-bed, swinging his feet. Boy, this was emberassing. Hormones had saved him from being swept away to who-knows-where with the other Scott.
Geeze. Did everyone have to know what was happening at the time?

The Doctor came up to Scott. (The furries' Doctor, that is, the one with dog ears). "Scott." he said. "Due to the nature of what we know, are you using...precautions?"
"Of course! Samantha says Naomi, both of them, are enough for her now..." Scott blushes. Too much information!

"Anyways," he continues, trying to cover it up. "What about the temporal anamoly?"
"It's gone the way we came. It's already at the limit of our sensors."
"Are we pursuing it?"
"I don't think it's a good idea. The Doctor is going to work up a hypospray to simulate the emotional effects. If we detect the anamoly again you'll be ejected."
Scott could spot a hint of discomfort. Heh.

  1. Voyager discovers that this -is- the human's home dimension. What an odd coincidence.

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