Samuel's Anger

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 14504

"Letters?" Rebecca said, trying to gather her wits enough to take all of this in.

Samuel glared at her. "Yes, letters. Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. Remember, my servants are loyal to me, not to you. That page you ordered to deliver your letter to your uncle Hengist read it and reported it to me instead. I've ordered the rest of my servants to watch you carefully form now on, and to be wary of any orders you give them. I'll not be betrayed by my own wife."

Rebecca stumbled for something to say, but before she could get anything out Samuel moved closer to her and lowered his voice. "And don't bother trying to convince your uncle to help you anyway. I assure you, he's very sympathetic to my cause." He turned around and started back down the hall to his -- their? -- bedroom. "Now come along. You're going back to bed before anyone notices you."

Rebecca stood still, dazed by all that had just happened, attempting to make sense of her situation and -- more importantly, she thought -- her amnesia. On thing she did know, though: she was quickly beginning to hate this man, this husband she didn't know, his anger, his arrogance, and his cruelty. "I... I think I'd rather stay awake for a while... walk around... I'm not sure if I can get to sleep again."

Samuel stopped and turned around, his eyes burning angrily. He hesitated, closing his eyes, then said, with barely controlled anger, "You will not disobey me. The Amazons are causing me enough trouble; I don't want to have to deal with you as well. Now, come."

Amazons? What did he mean? Rebecca hesitated, then, before she realized what she was doing, blurted out, "But..."

Samuel approached her again and said, in whispered rage, "You obviously don't understand the position you're in. You are my wife. I'm the Prince of Daria. If you disobey me, I warn you, your family will meet with a horrible accident. Remember, I have loyal servants in your household." He grabbed her by the arm and jerked her forward down the hall. "Now come along."

Rebecca considered protesting, but decided against it and followed her husband. "Yes, Samuel."

As she walked down the hall and into the dark bedroom she held back a scream of frustration and terror. Who was she? Who was this man? What was going on? And why couldn't she remember any of it?

  1. Rebecca slept through the rest of the night. She could deal with this tomorrow; for now it was probably safest to obey Samuel.
  2. Rebecca waited until Samuel was asleep, then crept out of the room, more stealthily this time, to try to find out more.
  3. Before Rebecca could decide what to do, there was a knock at the door.

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The Seeker (This is getting more complicated than I expected. I think I'm going to have to reread the previous incarnations of this storyline.)

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