What Does the Patrician Suspect?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 110266

Rincewind's terror ratcheted tighter. Rincewind was not a genius, but in matters of self-preservation he was a savant, and acquired insight into matters touching on self-preservation more quickly than any other citizen of Ankh-Morpork. The Patrician had trained as an assassin, and Rincewind expected that the Patrician could make himself invisible at will. The Patrician's training should enable him to make Rincewind disappear, too - but not in this way. Making others invisible was a monopoly of the Unseen University. Crossing guild lines was a serious matter. The Patrician made Rincewind invisible to make a point.

So how would be Patrician gain the knowledge to make Rincewind invisible? If some wizard imparted knowledge that he should not have, or carelessly left behind instructions on how to do it, then Patrician would be looking for answers.

Rincewind knew he had informed nobody on how to make others invisible. But could someone have found some of his class notes, or one of his textbooks? His copy of the 46th Edition of the ARC (Alchemical Rubber Company) Handbook of Opticks, Illusions, and Allied Fields was safely locked away. Probably.

Rincewind stared at the floor. He noticed that he was standing on a spot where the wood was discolored. He thought of several reasons why that might be so. None of them were comforting.

  1. Rincewind remained silent. To give voice to his suspicion might be taken as a sign of guilt.
  2. Rincewind said, "Do you suspect that I have been passing along secrets of the University to those who have no business knowing?"
  3. Rincewind said, "Would it help move things along if I started blubbering and begging for mercy?"

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