One Step Closer

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 108891

As Freda sat up in bed, stretching aggressively and rubbing her wrists and ankles, Astra stood nearby doing likewise. "That's so much better," Freda sighed.

"Better than a few minutes ago," Astra agreed, returning to the table that had held the key and picking up the small hand mirror sitting on the corner. "But look at us!" she wailed as she inspected her reflection, lightly touching the side of her face. "We look positively horrid!"

"Not so loud," Freda urged. "We don't know how close she is."

Astra continued, but at a lower volume. "How old do you think we are now?"

"Perhaps about forty?" Immediately Freda shuddered in revulsion at the thought. "I never thought I'd live to see forty," she said weakly, trying for a joke.

Astra replaced the mirror on the table. "We're not out of the woods yet. We are weaker at this age, and we need a plan to escape this house. We don't even know where we are."

Freda let out a frustrated sigh, and stood up. "Do we plan to leave in this state? Is there any hope of getting that crone to return our youth to us?"

Astra hesitated. "We could try overpowering her... but it may be wiser to just get out while we can. Maybe some other wizard, like the nice one who accidentally transported us here, will be able to help."

"But there's always the chance no one else can break the spell."

  1. They decide to try escaping through the sole window in the room.
  2. They decide to lie in wait for the crone to return, in order to get the drop on her and demand that she reverse the spell.
  3. They decide to risk searching the house, as the crone is surely asleep by now. Maybe she has some spellbooks that could tell them either how to regain their youth, or how to figure out where they are.

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