
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 10625


Rule 1 and Agent 1 look calm as the spokesperson for the volunteers.

Master Rifts had been very eloquent as he'd laid out the proposal.

The small outburst from the lawyer's small adopted daughter, the golden haired girl named Gloria, about her wanting to become a Champion, also, had been amusing. A communiqué from On High had halted Agent 1 from smiling and saying that she and Astra 9 couldn't right now, being too small. The Highers Up basically said that these were some of the few young children......the rare few......who understood the import of the situation.

Gloria was because she came from the town of Walants, where one quickly was introduced with the less that savory facts of life....and one must grow up quickly or become a victim.

Astra 9 was because though she was nine was not only an Aqualarian (or Aquilarian....depending upon the regional dialect/spelling tendencies you look at), she was also at the heart of it all....had been before coming to Terra Prime.....a warrior princess of Aqualaria. In many ways she was a child of nine, but in others she was far wiser and "older" than her peers.

It wasn't like they couldn't enter into the Afterlife for a relaxing visit with friends and family (though that was way in the future....when a Champions mind expanded enough to be able to take it in). It wasn't like the Rules and Agents worked those who voluntarily became Champions like slaves (the evil ones who were kept in check by gies weren't popular....and given the dirtiest and most menial of jobs).

It was the fact that they wouldn't age (that is....the young ones would cease to age at age eighteen....the default age of a Champion). It was the fact that they could sire and give birth to children.....and outlive them. It was the fact that the world will change and change again....and again as they remain ageless.

The nature of Rules and Agents made it clear to the heart of their potential Champions before they accept the Offer.

That is why Sir Toby excuses himself. Brave though he is, this is well beyond what can be asked of him.

Joan looks disappointed, but sighs and accepts it. Their budding relationship hadn't been serious at this point, anyway.

A few comforting words from Duke Drederick, assuring the knight that it was understandable and he was still honorable and brave despite this (some things are just too much for some to face), and the young knight leaves the room.

He's the only one.

The scene freezes as Rule 1 looks up at Angel and Devil who are out of phase by a few microns with the rest of this reality.

"Well, do you agree that the 'I's and crossed the 'T's?" he asks calmly.

"You know damn well it is," grumps the devil, tail thrashing in anger. "And you are correct, technically, about that fool's soul having been left behind in the strumpet's home world when she and the others were fissioned off from the others. Gross violation of procedure, that other Thaobath hogging that new body for himself!"

"That's why 179 had no qualms about sending him to your country," Agent 1 chuckled mirthlessly, "And don't insult them like that again, or else we will dance. Wanna dance?"

Agent 1 starts to walk menacingly up to the Devil, and the crimson fiend backs off.

"And there is that small fact that your boy RF didn't get that Fred to sign the standard contract in blood," the Angel chuckles, "So Astra 9 has every right to do what she's going to attempt to do....along with the others."

The devil disappears in a funk.

"I'm just surprised at the numbers," the Angel continues, looking at the gather people.

"Well, look at it this way," Rule 1 says, "These types of souls, rare as they are, can go to your country and relax only for so long before they put in a request to join up with those Angels who go out and do the field work thing. They aren't happy unless they are doing heroic things. We agents just intercept a few while they are still alive and offer them a job that they'd be doing in the Here After sooner or later. Nor officially, mind you, but....."

Agent 1 laughs along with the Angel.

"And it isn't like the Evil Office doesn't deserve the grief, unofficially," Agent 1 says, "Just this time cycle alone......"

He shows a listing to the Angel....who's eyes but out in surprise.

"That's....outrageous," the Angel sighs, "But typical. I had always thought that the drone versions of you had been rather good at automatically correcting those paradox violations.....but....."

"It was the Enlightened and Enhanced.....playing in the background," Rule 1 said, "Lending a hand once in a while when we can."

"More than that and we overstep our office and step on your toes," Agent 1 said. "That, and we can only do so much before we start to mess things up royally. Agents and Rules are good at our job....and can do some of what you do....but we aren't in your class."

"As I am not in yours in the region of Order/Chaos," the Angel conceded. "Well, I have no objections for them being Champions and thank you for not unilaterally going ahead and Gifting them without my input. Technically, since you ARE my superior now, you could."

But to do so would generate ill will when we need cooperation, Rule says to himself as the Angel vanishes.

Offers were accepted and what the other Champions before them experience, so do the new ones experience (death slipping away and all that stuff).

Rule 1 tells the Champions that the "earthly" matters here will be put on pause...while they are away. Children will be looked after (born and unborn). Astra 7 pats her now flat stomach and looks over at the sleeping young ones over to the side as they float silently in the middle of the air. She can see her own unborn as well as Queen Astra's.....

Good thing I can trust these beings, she sighs to herself, Else I'd be scared and worried right now.

Agent 1 then gives a brief explanation as to just why Astra's Fred stayed back in her home world instead of coming along to Terra Prime......

"Good luck, but either or all will be swept back as soon as you step back in the TARDIS," Rule 1 says firmly. "Whether or not you succeed will determine if we can get Astra 9 her Fred or not."

"And...sorry Doctors, you will be able to travel back to your home universes after this is done," Agent 1 smiled, " will be able to visit a few parallel versions of it. Part of your new job as Champion. Here and on other universe......"

  1. The adventurers board the two TARDISes and it grinds out and vanishes from sight......

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